Lifestyle Changes That Will Help Protect or Improve Senior Mobility

Senior mobility is essential to good health and comfort. Older adults should be concerned about how well they can move. We often take things like sitting, standing, and walking for granted, until we cannot do these things anymore.

Being able to move safely is important. It helps a senior stay independent. It also helps lower the risk of fall injury.

Pinnacle Peak assisted living services are designed to assist seniors of all mobility levels. We encourage good health and fitness to improve existing abilities but also understand that each resident has different limitations.

Why Is Mobility so Important for Senior Citizens?

Mobility affects many aspects of a senior’s life. It can also be an indication of a person’s physical status and health. Why should all seniors care about their mobility?

  • Improves Independence

Mobility and independence are closely connected. The better a senior’s mobility, the more independent they can be. Mobility allows a person to move and complete basic tasks.

  • A More Social Lifestyle

One of the reasons senior citizens have a higher risk of depression stems from a lack of social interaction. Mobility can limit a person’s ability to socialize. Not being able to move on your own makes it harder to visit others or engage in recreational activities and entertainment.

  • Lower Fall Risk

Staying active keeps the body strong and flexible. It improves stamina as well. All these factors influence a senior’s fall risk. A fall injury can shorten an older adult’s life, so avoiding an incident is essential.

  • Boost Mental Wellness

Being able to exercise releases endorphins, which reduces depression and anxiety. Seniors who are mobile face fewer obstacles when it comes to socialization, which also directly affects mental health.

  • Lowers Chronic Illness Risk

Physical activity is necessary for good health. Seniors who move more are less likely to suffer from chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It also reduces the risk of some cancers. Starting your fitness journey as a senior citizen can extend your life.

  • Better Quality of Life

A person who is mobile is less likely to suffer from the aches and pains that can lower quality of life. Activity prevents stiffness and improves circulation, so seniors stay more comfortable.

What Can Seniors Do to Improve Mobility?

Staying active is the key to improving and preserving mobility for seniors. An aging adult will face physical changes. These are unavoidable. However, it’s possible to slow or counteract some of these changes by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Make sure you speak to your doctor before making any significant changes to your daily routine. Your medical team can provide sound advice about how to safely increase activity. They know your health status and history, which gives them valuable insight when sharing suggestions or making decisions about how to begin.

A senior’s guide to mental wellness can also help older adults take a well-rounded approach to better overall health.

What can seniors do now to protect or improve their mobility?

  • Maintain a Healthy Level of Daily Activity

Using the recommendations of a doctor, determine your ideal level of daily activity and work towards achieving it. That could include more movement, weight loss, or muscle building. Whatever you need to do, make sure you follow all safety recommendations to reach your fitness goal.

  • Exercise Crucial Parts of the Body

Seniors should care about the health of their whole body, but some parts have a more direct impact on mobility. Essential areas include the neck, shoulders, hips, hamstrings, upper arms, quadriceps, and ankles.

  • Choose a Healthy Diet

Exercise is important, but so is what you put into your body. Make healthy dietary choices each day. Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Calcium, and Omega-3 fatty acids are ideal for proper nutrition. Foods containing these vitamins and minerals will help increase bone density and lower inflammation.

  • Request a Fall Risk Assessment

Ask your doctor for a fall risk assessment. This will determine how well you can move safely. It will also reveal any concerns or changes that you may have missed. Each senior should be aware of their risk and the factors that could increase it. Avoiding a fall injury will further protect your mobility.

  • Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Your doctor should be aware of any lifestyle changes you are making. They can monitor progress and provide support and advice. Make sure you schedule all recommended doctor appointments and health screenings. Checking for conditions like osteoporosis can help you take better care of your mobility.

  • Senior Mobility and Assisted Living

Assisted living can help seniors manage their mobility. A facility is built around the needs of residents, with safety equipment and accessible spaces. Many facilities also offer group exercise classes and physical therapy.

Assisted living services are available to provide support for seniors with mobility limitations.